Meet the Playful Planets — the original superheroes of myth and legend!
A selections of pages and images, below. These colourful characters would love to meet you inside the books.
Mickey MERCURY, the Winged Messenger
Uri URANUS, the Magician
Veronica VENUS, Goddess of Love and Beauty
Sol or Solly, the SUN
Mr Bully. MARS, God of War
Jovial JUPITER, God of Justice
Maggie mother EARTH
Kayleigh the COMET
Marvin, the miserable man in the MOON
SATURN, Old Father Time (Kronos)
Neville NEPTUNE, God of the Deep
Planets for kids
The ideal way to teach children about the planets, and the myths and legends associated with them. There are numerous space books for kids out there, but this is the only children's astronomy book that personifies the planets according to their roles in myth and legend — as the original planet superheroes. Who is your favourite superhero planet? Mars the God of War, Venus the Goddess of Love, or one of the other planets in our solar system?
Reading is a discount ticket to anywhere and everywhere ... including space. Great learning fun for kids.